Bonnie smiling for professional headshot in a blue shrit with a black coat, over a white backdrop
PhD Student

Bonnie Basnett is interested in the intersection of fisheries, conservation, and the social sciences. She uses an interdisciplinary approach to improve management strategies for small-scale fisheries sectors in Latin America and French Polynesia. Bonnie has a diverse background in marine science and is passionate about sustainability. Over the past decade, Bonnie has worked with fishing communities from Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California. Her work experiences range from governmental to non-profit, and from topside Marine Protected Area fish monitoring to underwater SCUBA transect surveys. Bonnie loves dancing and SCUBA diving, making ocean-inspired artwork, and is obsessed with avocados.

Bonnie received a B.S. with honors in Biology and Zoology with minors in Scientific Diving and Studio Art from Humboldt State University, and an M.S. in Marine Science from Moss Landing Marine Labs. Please reach out to her if you're interested in collaborating.

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