Tamhida jumping into the ocean with a snorkel, mask, and life vest on
Master's student at Stockholm Resilience Center, Stockholm University

Tamhida is a master's student at the Stockholm Resilience Center (SRC), Stockholm University in Stockholm, Sweden, where she also works as a research assistant building her quantitative skills in Agent-based modeling. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with dual major in Marketing and Human Resource Management and a Master’s degree in International Business from MONASH University. To match her career path to her passion, she chose to study environmental science and sustainability and entered the transdiciplinary world of science and simulation modeling. Before her studies at SRC, she was an educator by profession and a social worker by passion with extensive experience working with game theory and simulation-based learning (SBL) in community NGOs. She is the recipient of SDG based Moyurpongkhi Social Service Award 2019, which also got her selected in the Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations at Harvard University, as a Science and Tech delegate to represent her work on Simulation based learning (SBL): a pathway for transformative futures with SDG.

Tamhida’s research examines the impact of mobile apps on small-scale fisheries (SSF) in Mexico, focusing on the role of community solutions and rules in promoting shared fishing practices, particularly in relation to closure areas. She aims to develop a gender and intersectionality-focused social-technical-ecological system (STES) research framework in Mexican SSF, emphasizing the role of technology in the human-environment nexus. She will be using a combination of Q-method and Agent-based modeling to conduct her research. 

She is happy to get in contact via email tamhida.ahmed@su.se